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7 things hair says about your health


7 things hair says about your health




Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. Apart from areas of globous skin, the human body is covered in follicles that produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. Hair enhances human beauty, Hair can be described as Silky smooth.

1.    Alluring wavy hair.

2.    Dazzling.

3.    Gorgeous.

4.    Glamorous.

5.    Magnificant.

6.    Lovely Tresses.

But do you know hair shows symptoms about our health? Hair issues like hair loss, dandruff, and thinning aren’t always caused due to the overuse of heat tools or a bad diet. It could also be due to existing or underlying health issues.

Your locks can show the tell-tale signs of your bad health. You must look for these signs carefully and deal with them accordingly. Curious to know what your hair could be telling you about your health? Scroll below to find out…

· 01. You are taking too much stress

· 02. You may have a nutritional deficiency

· 03. You are spending too much time in the sun

· 04. You might have skin issues

· 05. You may have a hormonal imbalance

6. White or Yellow Flakes Could Mean You Have Dandruff


·        01. You are taking too much stress

If you’ve been noticing grey hair and experiencing hair fall recently, it could be sign that you are taking more stress than you should. Stress can damage the pigment producing cells which cause premature greying of hair. Intake of vitamin B12 and indulging in relaxing activities can help.

02. You may have a nutritional deficiency

Protein is important for healthy hair growth and if your hair is becoming thinner by the day, it could be due to the protein deficiency in your body. Consult your doctor and include protein-rich foods like eggs, spinach, nuts, avocado and berries in your meals.

03. You are spending too much time in the sun

There is no debate about the fact that the sun can majorly damage your tresses. It makes your hair dry, dull and extremely brittle. Overexposure to the sun can damage your tresses and if you’ve been noticing your hair turning dull, it’s a sign you need to protect ‘tresses from the harmful UV rays.

04. You might have skin issues

Skin problems like psoriasis and seborrheic eczema can make your scalp flaky and could be the reason you are struggling with dandruff. If your scalps appear dry, red, or have white scaly patches, consult a dermal and get it treated right away.

05. You may have a hormonal imbalance

A very common cause of hair loss, which women tend to avoid, is hormonal imbalance. Shedding of hair strands and change in the appearance of hair is a result of fluctuation in hormone levels caused due to stress or any health problem. Proper medication can help treat this condition.

6.White or Yellow Flakes Could Mean You Have Dandruff


Yellow or white flakes in your hair, on your shoulders, and even in your eyebrows are a sign of dandruff, a chronic scalp condition. Dandruff doesn’t usually indicate a serious health problem, and it can usually be treated with over-the-counter specialty hair shampoos or a prescription shampoo.

According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most common causes of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis. Those with seborrheic dermatitis have red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales. A yeast-like fungus called malassezia can also irritate the scalp. Not shampooing enough, sensitivity to hair care products, and dry skin can also cause dandruff. (Dandruff is usually worse in winter, when indoor heating can make skin drier.)


Hair is very important part of our body, but bad hair shows different symptoms about our health and mental health, by observing these symptoms in time we can find out what health issues our body is read above symptoms and know what your hair is telling to you and take precautions .if it is needed contact hair specialist.





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