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Showing posts with the label What is Kefir called in India?How does kefir help in digestion?

What is Kefir called in India?How does kefir help in digestion?

What is Kefir called in India? How does kefir help in Digestion? Kefir is a matured beverage that has acquired notoriety as of late for its various medical advantages. The starting points of kefir can be followed back to the Caucasus Heaps of Russia, where it has been a staple nourishment for a really long time. Kefir is a probiotic drink that is made by maturing milk with kefir grains. Kefir grains are little, thick dabs that contain a combination of yeast and microbes. Kefir is known by various names in various regions of the planet. In India, kefir is realized by different names like 'Chaas', 'Lassi', or 'Mor' relying on the locale. Kefir is like these conventional Indian beverages with regards to taste and surface, however it has an exceptional arrangement of medical advantages that put it aside from the others. Kefir contains a few types of microbes and yeasts that assistance to help the stomach related framework. The microscopic organisms and yeasts in kef