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6 common foods that can turn poison on reheating

6 common foods that can turn poison on reheating

Warming food is a typical practice for the overwhelming majority of us. It is a fast and simple method for getting a charge out of extras or warming up a dinner that we have arranged ahead of time. In any case, not all food sources are protected to warm. As a matter of fact, a few food sources can become harmful and, surprisingly, dangerous when warmed. In this article, I will talk about the six food varieties that turn poison on warming and the explanations for it.

1. Rice

Rice is a staple food in many societies and is much of the time cooked in huge amounts. Nonetheless, warming rice can be perilous on the off chance that not done accurately. The issue with warming rice is the spores of Bacillus cereus, microorganisms normally tracked down in rice. At the point when rice is cooked, the microscopic organisms can make due and increase, particularly when left at room temperature. In the event that the rice isn't put away as expected or warmed completely, the microorganisms can create a poison that can cause food contamination. Side effects of food contamination from Bacillus cereus incorporate spewing and the runs, and in extreme cases, it can prompt kidney disappointment.

To keep away from food contamination from warmed rice, putting away it in the refrigerator or cooler following cooking is significant. While warming, ensure that the rice is warmed through and steaming hot prior to serving. If all else fails, discard it.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes are another famous food that is frequently warmed. Be that as it may, warming potatoes can be hazardous in the event that they are not put away as expected. At the point when cooked and left at room temperature, potatoes can deliver a poison called solanine. Solanine is a glycoalkaloid that can create gastrointestinal issues, like retching and loose bowels, as well as neurological side effects, like migraines and wooziness.

To keep away from food contamination from warmed potatoes, putting away them in the ice chest or cooler following cooking is significant. While warming, ensure that they are warmed through and steaming hot prior to serving. Try not to warm potatoes that have been left at room temperature for over two hours.

 3. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a tasty and sound expansion to many dishes, however they can turn harmful when warmed. The issue with warming mushrooms is that they contain a protein called lectin. Lectin can oppose absorption and tie to the covering of the digestive system, causing irritation and other gastrointestinal issues.

To stay away from poisonousness from warmed mushrooms, it is ideal to consume them following cooking. In the event that you should warm them, do as such at a low temperature and for a brief time frame.

4. Chicken

Chicken is a famous meat that is frequently warmed. In any case, warming chicken can be perilous in the event that not done accurately. The issue with warming chicken is the microbes that can develop on it. At the point when chicken is cooked, microorganisms, for example, Salmonella and Campylobacter can make due and increase, particularly when left at room temperature. In the event that the chicken isn't put away as expected or warmed completely, the microbes can cause food contamination. Side effects of food contamination from these microorganisms incorporate retching and the runs, and in extreme cases, it can prompt sepsis.

To keep away from food contamination from warmed chicken, putting away it in the refrigerator or cooler following cooking is significant. While warming, ensure that the chicken is warmed through and steaming hot prior to serving. Try not to warm chicken that has been left at room temperature for over two hours.

5. Spinach

Spinach is a nutritious and solid vegetable, however it can turn harmful when warmed. The issue with warming spinach is the nitrates that it contains. At the point when spinach is cooked and left at room temperature, the nitrates can change over into nitrites, which can be poisonous to the body. Nitrites can cause cerebral pains, discombobulation, and gastrointestinal issues.

To stay away from harmfulness from warmed spinach, it is ideal to consume it following cooking. In the event that you should warm it, do as such at a low temperature and for a brief time frame.

6. Oils

Oils can become malodorous and poisonous when warmed. At the point when oils are warmed to high temperatures, they can separate and shape destructive mixtures, like acrolein and acrylamide. These mixtures can cause disease and other medical conditions.

To keep away from harmfulness from warmed oils, it is ideal to utilize new oil each time you cook. Assuming you should reuse oil, try to strain it to eliminate any food particles and store it in an impenetrable holder in the refrigerator. Try not to warm oil to high temperatures, and dispose of it on the off chance that it has a rotten smell or taste.


Warming food is a typical practice, yet it is vital to know about the food varieties that can turn harmful when warmed. Rice, potatoes, mushrooms, chicken, spinach, and oils are among the food sources that can become poisonous when warmed. To keep away from food contamination and other medical conditions, it is essential to store food appropriately, warm it completely, and eat it following cooking whenever the situation allows. By observing these rules, you can partake in your #1 food varieties without gambling with your wellbeing.


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